The strain for the small business to get up the money for making decisions has always been huge. Normally the money for marketing and promotion is limited and decision makers have to make tough decisions about how to spend their money. One question that small business owners often ask is whether it’s better to invest in web design or SEO. We all want to do both. Trust me in an ideal world we would have a money tree and be able to spend money like how we would like. However, if you have to choose, which should be your priority? Falcon Consulting & Marketing has been able to review this decision with our clients for several years now. Through trial and error we can tell you why each has importance and then tell you what we believe should be your priority.
Web Design
A website is often the way people are introduced to a new business. Especially in today’s marketplace, consumers are using their smartphones or tablets to go quickly online and scout out companies that have their product or service interested in. Today, people are more likely to look into the company before they actually walk into their store or office. That is why having an easy to use warm website will make a good first impression on potential customers automatically. Having a poorly designed and hard to navigate website will turn the visitors off and they will leave almost immediately as well. That is why web design should be important.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) makes it easier for people to find your website. It is a tool to make your website rank higher in the search engines so when someone types in a particular keyword like say “new york city doctors”, the company will be able to be found quickly on a page. No matter how well your website looks, if it can’t be found on the web then it serves very little function. There are many SEO tactics, from focusing on keywords to getting quality links from other sites to getting ranked locally by Google.
Web Design Should be the first Priority
It is indeed true from the SEO standpoint that if they can’t find you then it doesn’t matter that you have a website in a sense. The bigger issue is even if you optimized your website with SEO and people came to it in droves, it would be more than likely that they would not be impressed with the design and functionality and just leave your site. If that does indeed happen you don’t gain anything and you have spent months to an SEO professional for their services.
Another aspect of web design is you know what you are getting. You have plenty of control over the project if you would like to and the design is based on your recommendations. Graphics, pictures, Content will all be up to your discretion. Google has also recently rewarding websites that provide quality content and that give visitors a good experience. This means sites that are easy to navigate and that load quickly. This means that if you build your website correctly with great initial content you can have an SEO advantage. SEO has its importance but just like everything else in life if you do not lay the correct foundation as in this case the website, then everything will sink. Website design should be the first priority when a small business starts thinking about online marketing.
If you are having difficulty making your website or needs some suggestions, then you may need assistance. A digital marketing agency will have a marketing plan for you to expand your company’s brand. They will speak with you about the design of your website and how to build great content onto your site that rivals your competitors. Falcon Consulting & Marketing is they type of company that can assist the small business. If you have any questions about website design contact us at or call at 855-445-9530. We are a digital marketing agency located in NYC assisting small businesses one client at a time. us at
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