Thursday, June 22, 2017

Google For Jobs Is Live and Looks To Become Top Search Choice For Hiring

Google has introduced Google For Jobs in the United States and is collaborating with other companies in order to roll out an interface that will likely be the most search way of searching for employment in the future.  Google will be collaborating with Monster,,, Local Job Network, Jobing, Jora, Facebook, Linkedin, Careerbuilder, Glassdoor, Ziprecruiter and others.  From all indication it looks like Google will be collaborating with the dominant employment sites instead of competing directly with them.
The service will allow you to type in the particular job you are interested in and thereafter turn on the alerts and receive notifications when a job that meet your criteria becomes available.
According to Google’s release which you can read in full here:
“Starting today in desktop and mobile, when you search for “jobs near me”, “teaching jobs”, or similar job-seeking queries, you’ll see in-depth results that allow you to explore jobs from across the web.  For many people, a job needs to satisfy some key criteria, like commute time, job specialties they’ve honed or the hours they have available to work.  For many jobs, you’ll also see reviews and ratings for the employer from trusted sites right alongside the job description, and if you’re signed in, for some jobs you’ll see how long it will take to commute to the job from home.  We’ll continue to add filters and information in the future.  Looking for jobs is a personal and complex journey, and one that we’re trying to support in this new search experience.”
Once you find an applicant finds a job that they believe they are compatible with, Google will direct you to the job site in order to begin the application process. For jobs that appeared on multiple sites, Google will link you to the one with the most complete job posting.
For employers, you can post on any of the sites that are collaborating with Google or use their integration guide which you can review here.  In being consistent with their press release about it being a collaboration, employers will not be able to post positions directly through Google.

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